Star review from Wattpad!

1 Posted by - September 8, 2014 - Book Reviews

In my first day of joining Wattpad I had no idea what to do or what to read. Luckily I stumbled upon a work named “Witch Hunt”. I started reading the summary and it instantly drew me in.

I couldn’t stop reading and my thumb danced over the screen jumping from one page to the next. I had never expected to find such a gem on the site I had just recently joined. The thrilling start throws you into a whole new world you wish was yours. A world filled with all magical beings you can think of! Everything from Ghosts, vampires and of course magic makes their appearances.

As you probably have guessed I like this book very much and one of the reasons are the characters themselves. Many aspiring writers, such as myself, struggle to find the perfect balance to make a character feel alive and not like a cardboard copy. In Witch Hunt you’ll find this to be true, the characters feel alive and so does their relationships.

I’m not a big fan of romance as a subplot as I always find it to get in the way of the actual story telling, but in this case it doesn’t. It feels alive and it prospers and falls when it should. It’s being tested and it really feels real.

I haven’t even started talking about what I love the most: the scenery. The book takes place in a country not too many are familiar with. But as a Swede myself I can safely say that the scenery here is highly accurate and portrays Sweden greatly!

I can’t wait for it to come out here and in bookstores in the future and I won’t rest properly until I’ve read the next part of this great series!

So to conclude, if you’re looking for a great read, don’t hesitate to pick this book up! You won’t regret it, not one bit.
