Reviews from Wattpad

0 Posted by - September 8, 2014 - Book Reviews

OH MY GAWD!!! I would totally buy this in a bookstore!!!! I’m so glad I’ve read it, this is AMAZING!!! You have a knack for pulling the reader in and really feeling for a character! (it doesn’t happen very often to me and 1 time it happened it was sad and I cried! Over a book!) So yea who has two thumbs and is a new fan! *points to herself* THIS GIRL!



Excellent book! I really loved the story and the characters were very interesting. I can’t wait for the second book to find out what happens next. I would highly recommend this book ๐Ÿ™‚
I can see this book being published and sold in a book store one day!



Really great job on the whole book ๐Ÿ™‚ I cannot wait for the second one!!



LOVE IT. I LOVE IT. I LOVE IT. Wait is it ok if I say it again? I LOVE IT. Oh my god. yes I finally finished the book. And I honestly enjoyed every single moment of it. You are an amazing writer. I honestly agree 100% with Kayla . Why isn’t this book popular? I mean I couldn’t put it down. It was physically impossible. I can’t wait for the second book. ~Rosy



yey. im so excited for book 2!!



I finished the book! I loved it so much. Very professionally written. The story was so good and not at all predictable. How long until book 2 I can’t wait to read it!!! Wow so good !! ๐Ÿ™‚ xxxxxxxx



Why is this book not more popular?! It was fantastic! I could hardly put it down. I will be eagerly awaiting the next book and hopefully you can get this published. I would easily pay $10 or more for a book this good!
